Advanced Materials WebCongress, AMWeb

International Association of Advanced Materials is all set to expand its wings beyond the limits and organize the largest online materials congress, named the Advanced Materials WebCongress (AMWeb). This virtual congress will consist of a number of international WebConferences that will entail a huge number of informative and technical sessions covering a wide range of scientific subject areas of materials science, engineering and technology. The WebCongress will facilitate multiple virtual forums for the brilliant minds of the materials community from all over the world to come together and discuss all the recent developments and progresses that have taken place in the multi-inter-trans arena of materials science and technology. The AMWeb will lay down special emphasis on the discoveries and knowledge base that have empowered the materials society during the time of this global pandemic that has begun due to the arrival of the Coronavirus.

In the very first phase, the Advanced Materials WebCongress will be hosted for as many as 1000 hours with esteemed participants from more than 150 countries all around the world. The congress will run from 31 August 2020 to 31 March 2021 in multiple WebConferences organized over the span of seven months, making it the world’s largest virtual materials congress ever organized. The AMWeb is being hosted by the International Association of Advanced Materials with an aim to facilitate the smooth functioning of the supply chain of the scientific knowledge in these distressing times. Keeping this in mind, the WebCongress will run on a format of multiple online sessions dedicated to specific areas of materials science, engineering, and technology. Each of these WebConferences will see the best minds from all over the world including scientists, researchers, industry and business professionals delivering lectures and discussing the challenges and opportunities that have been posed against the materials community because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

As already mentioned, the AMWeb is a series of periodic international WebConferences that will be organized over a span of seven months. The call for abstracts is OPEN for the WebConferences that will be organized as part of the AMWeb are mentioned below:

Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

WebCongress on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology | AMWeb | IAAM

WebConference URL:

The WebCongress on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology will be a specifically dedicated to this field of study and will create an interdisciplinary global forum in sub-fields like nanoscience, nano-engineering, etc. This topical WebCongress will present opportunities to researchers, students, engineers, industry professionals, and business executives working in the area of nanoscience and nanotechnology to present their new research and ideas over a virtual platform.

Energy Materials

WebCongress on Energy Materials | AMWeb | IAAM

WebConference URL:

AMWeb will also consist of a WebCongress specially dedicated to the field of Energy Materials. This WebCongress will focus on the rapidly expanding and developing field of energy materials and will create global discussion forum for the same.

Catalysis Science, Engineering and Technology

WebCongress on catalysis science, engineering, and technology | AMWeb | IAAM

WebConference URL:

As part of the AMWeb, IAAM will also hold a WebCongress for catalysis science, engineering, and technology. This thematic WebCongress will cover the advancements in the specific area and will yield path-breaking discussions among the delegates.

Environmental and Green Materials

WebCongress on Environmental and Green Materials | AMWeb | IAAM

WebConference URL:

The AMWeb will also consist of a thematic WebCongress on the Environmental and Green Materials. This specific area is quite critical for the mankind keeping in mind the dire need to work towards sustainability. IAAM is already working towards the same with its agenda of ‘Advancement of Materials to Sustainable and Green World’. By organizing a specific WebCongress as part of the AMWeb, IAAM hopes to contribute more towards achieving the all-important goal of sustainability.

Biomaterials and Biodevices

WebCongress on Biomaterials and Biodevices | AMWeb | IAAM

WebConference URL:

Biomaterials and Biodevices is a highly critical field for the humankind as it holds tremendous potential to enhance the world of healthcare. When used with the correct biomaterials, biodevices can increase the speed of diagnosis exponentially and save lives. Keeping in mind the critical need to improve this sub-area of materials science, the AMWeb will also hold a specific thematic WebCongress for the same.

Polymer Science and Technology

WebCongress on Polymer Science and Technology | AMWeb | IAAM

WebConference URL:

Concerned with the analysis of chemical structures and properties of polymer materials, the field of Polymer Science and Technology has a huge potential for giving rise to engineering applications and improving the quality of life. Keeping this in mind, the AMWeb will consist of a specific thematic WebCongress for this area of study and will entail the industry experts delivering lectures on the same.

Electronic, Magnetic, and Optical Materials

WebCongress on Electronic, Magnetic, and Optical Materials | AMWeb | IAAM

WebConference URL:

Electronic, Magnetic, and Optical Materials is another field of study on which there will be a specific thematic WebCongress organized in the AMWeb. This virtual conference will create an interdisciplinary and global forum of discussion on EMO materials science, engineering, and technology.

Structural and Engineering Materials

WebCongress on Structural and Engineering Materials | AMWeb | IAAM

WebConference URL:

The Advanced Materials WebCongress will also consist of a topical virtual conference specially dedicated to the rapidly growing field of Structural and Engineering Materials. The conference will create a plethora of opportunities for the researchers, engineers, and scientists all around the world. It will give them the chance to showcase their research, results, and ideas, experiences, and even showcase their new products in front of a dedicated audience.

Besides these, there are several other areas of study that will be discussed in dedicated virtual congresses as part of the Advanced Materials WebCongress.

Live Knowledge at WebTM

The Advanced Materials WebCongress will be organized in a unique format of ‘Live Knowledge at Web’. This is a unique approach that IAAM has come up with to facilitate smooth flow of the scientific knowledge. Under this concept, IAAM will use the world of internet to organize international materials science events and conferences. The concept will enable the members of materials science community to attend prestigious IAAM events without having to travel. ‘Live Knowledge at Web’ will turn out to be a highly useful tool to remove the necessity of travelling from the world of academia. As a result, IAAM will enable some of the brightest minds of the industry to share their knowledge, ideas, and expertise with their peers over a virtual platform. Besides, as part of this concept, all these lectures and talks recorded will be made available to audiences around the world and will become a part of scientific literature. 

Live Knowledge at Web | AMWeb | IAAM

The concept of ‘Live Knowledge at Web’ has been established with an aim to set up a Live Cloud platform of scientific knowledge for researchers from across the globe. With this concept, IAAM will give audiences around the world access to highly informative and quality scientific lectures delivered in the Advanced Materials WebCongress. All of these lectures, since they will be delivered by experts, will be of high quality and extremely rich in knowledge. Moreover, this new concept and format will optimize the level of interaction among the delegates of the conference by placing all of them on a live virtual platform.

Video Proceedings of Advanced Materials | IAAM

As part of this unique concept, IAAM will publish all the lectures and presentations that will be delivered as part of the multiple WebCongress in its open access video journal, ‘Video Proceedings of Advanced Materials’. The association will follow the due peer-review process and then shortlist the video article to be published. In this way, International Association of Advanced Materials will create one of the largest cloud platforms of scientific video literature. Moreover, this video journal will be published in the format of Open Access and will be accessible to all the students, researchers, and professionals all around the world. Therefore, these lectures and presentations in the WebCongress will help the readers around the world to develop a deep understanding of materials science, engineering, and technology.

IAAM’s Global Initiative in Science and Technology of COVID-19

By having conceptualized the unique format of ‘Live Knowledge at Web’ coupled with the world’s largest virtual congress, i.e. the 1000 hour-long Advanced Materials WebCongress, International Association of Advanced Materials will truly enable the materials community to work and function in an efficient manner in the time of this global pandemic as per agenda of IAAM’s Global Initiative in Science and Technology of COVID-19.

August 20th, 2020 IAAM Blog International Association of Advanced Materials Leave a Comment

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